Friday, August 04, 2006

handwriting lesson #1

Today we worked on writing the capital letters A and N. Some tips for myself for future lessons:

  1. We used the kids' MagnaDoodle, which works well for writing practice because the pen doesn't write on anything but the writing surface. Next time, I think I'm going to have to disconnect the string from the pen. I hate to, because then I'll probably always be searching for it. But the string is too short for my lefty. Also, it is hard to correct mistakes, because whole sections have to be erased at one time rather than just the little part that gets messed up. When we start working on the concept of erasing, I'll think about using dry erase or chalk lapboards.
  2. Use lots of praise. I have to figure out how to correct and guide but still be positive.
  3. Keep the lessons short. I didn't time how long I spent on each letter but it was hard keeping their attention at the end. I need to look into how long a 4-year old and a 3-year old should be able to attend to an activity.


Today when N finished a really good set of N's, I told him what a good job he did. He wanted to show his sister, so we shared with her. She said they were "N-riffic!" :o)

I took a digital picture of their best writing sample, with their name and the date. I thought it would be fun to visually track their progress.