Saturday, August 04, 2007

A New Beginning

I started this blog last year, with a different blog name and a somewhat different perspective. Then, our oldest was still 4, so I had a year ahead of me to play with curriculum, to experiment with routines. Little did I know that our world would be upset by jobs, house renovations, and an unexpected move. Sadly, we didn't accomplish much of what I had intended.

So, this is our new beginning. We are somewhat settled in our new house, and I've sent out the official "intent to homeschool" letter. Although we are not using a formal, packaged curriculum, I do have the books and materials I need to start kindergarten with our daughter. I'll also be using the same materials with our son who is 4.

I'm excited to be back in homeschooling mode! To celebrate, I plan on participating in Back to Homeschool Week over at Randi's place. Monday's theme is "What led to your decision to homeschool?" I'm looking forward to seeing others' perspectives during this coming week, as well as sharing my own.

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